Nutrition facts and eating smart
Dietary guidelines for Americans
- Eat a variety of foods
- Maintain a healthy weight
- Choose a diet low in fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol
- Choose a diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, and grain products
- Use sugars only in moderation
- Use salt and sodium only in moderation
- If you drink alcoholic beverages, do so in moderation
Did you know?
- Foods like bread, potatoes, or spaghetti are not fattening. It is what you add to them that make them high in calories. For example, a baked potato has a lot more calories if you add butter or margarine.
- Plain baked potato: 100 calories
- Baked potato with 1 tablespoon of butter : 200 calories
- Baked potato with 2 tablespoons of butter: 300 calories
- Eating smaller servings of food will help you lose weight
- A small serving has fewer calories than a large serving
- Here are some easy ways to lower the fat in your meals
- Use less butter and margarine
- Bake foods instead of frying them
- Trim the fat off of meats before cooking
- A product that says "cholesterol-free" can still be high in fat. Look for nutrition information on the label.
- Here are some ways you can use fruits in your meals:
- At breakfast use fruit in cereal, muffins, or pancakes
- At lunch pack an apple, banana, or orange in your lunch bag
- At dinner add crushed pineapple to coleslaw
- For snacks spread peanut butter on apple slices
- Dark-green vegetables like broccoli collards spinach and others have vitamins A and C, B vitamins, iron, and calcium
- Deep-yellow vegetables like carrots, yams, and others have vitamin A
- Starchy vegetables like potatoes, corn lima beans, and others have B vitamins and more.
- Simple things added to vegetables can add to their flavor. Try:
- Sprinkling ground cloves over baked sweet potatoes and acorn squash.
- Mixing a little oregano with cooked cabbage.
- Adding cooked chopped onion to cooked peas.
- Cooking carrots with crushed pineapple or pineapple juice.
(Reprinted with permission from the United States Department of Agriculture)
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