Decrease the fat in your diet

Read the food labels

  1. Read the nutrition information.
  2. Look for the amount of saturated fat, total fat, cholesterol, and calories in one serving. Compare similar products to find one with the smallest amounts.

  3. Look at the ingredients.

All food labels list the product's ingredients in order by weight. The ingredient in the greatest amount is listed first. The ingredient in the least amount is listed last. Choose foods low in saturated fat or total fat by limiting your use of products that list any fat or oil first -- or that list many fat and oil ingredients. If you are watching your sodium intake, do the same for sodium or salt. Use the chart below to find the sources of saturated fat and cholesterol in foods as they may appear in the list of ingredients.

Sources of Saturated Fat & Cholesterol

Animal fat Lamb fat

Cream Cocoa butter

Palm kernel oil Vegetable oil

Bacon fat Hydrogenated vegetable oil

Egg and egg-yolk solids Chicken fat

Palm Oil Turkey fat

Beef fat Hardened fat or oil

Ham fat Butter

Pork fat Meat fat

Vegetable shortening Coconut oil

Coconut Whole milk solids



Foods to Choose When You Shop

Meat, Poultry, Fish and Shellfish

Dairy Foods

Fats and Oils

Fruits and Vegetables

Breads, Cereals, Rice, Pasta, and Dry Peas & Beans

Sweets & Snacks

*If you are watching your sodium intake, be sure to check the labels to find low-sodium products.

(Reprinted with permission from the National Institute of Health)

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